Some people think that shoplifting is a petty crime that doesn’t hurt anybody. A pack of gum here; a pair of jeans there. No one will miss those items, right? Wrong.
The truth is that across the nation, stores lose anywhere from $2,000-$3,000 per month to shoplifters. That’s why states such as Texas have drawn a hard line in the sand when it comes to the penalties for shoplifting.
Texas shoplifting penalties
Shoplifting is treated seriously in Texas. If you’re caught with stolen property and convicted of theft, the penalty you face is directly related to the dollar value of the items involved:
- Theft of property worth $100 or less is a Class C misdemeanor that carries fines up to $500.
- Theft of property worth $100-$750 is a Class B misdemeanor that carries fines up to $2,000 and jail time up to 180 days.
- Theft of property worth $750-$2,500 is a Class A misdemeanor that carries fines up to $4,000 and up to one year in jail.
- Theft of property worth $2,500-$30,000 is a felony that carries fines up to $10,000 and 180 days to two years in a state penitentiary.
- Theft of property worth $30,000-$150,000 is a third-degree felony that carries fines up to $10,000 and a sentence of two to ten years in a state penitentiary.
- Theft of property worth $150,000-$300,000 is a second-degree felony that carries fines up to $10,000 and a sentence of two to 20 years in a state penitentiary.
- Stealing property worth more than $300,000 is a first-degree felony that carries fines up to $10,000 and five to 99 years in a state penitentiary.
If you have been arrested for shoplifting seeking legal guidance can be helpful. You may have defenses available to you that you haven’t even considered or hidden mitigating factors that could help reduce any penalties you face. When your future is on the line, make sure that you explore every possible option.