Getting charged with a weapons offense in Texas can quickly transform your otherwise normal life into a legal battle that can result in serious consequences. One of the reasons you may find yourself facing charges is getting caught with a prohibited weapon. The Texas...
Criminal Defense
2 reasons not to bring recreational marijuana into Texas
Roughly half of the United States allows recreational marijuana use. Although it is still federally illegal, many states have established their own regulations. In 24 states, individuals can purchase marijuana similarly to buying beer or wine – as long as they are at...
How fast will your BAC go down?
Your BAC, or your blood alcohol concentration, is just a measurement of the amount of alcohol in your system. Once it enters your bloodstream, it can lead to impairment and intoxication. Police officers can check your BAC with a breath test during a drunk driving...
Prescription drugs are not always legal
Most people have taken prescription drugs at some point in their lives. Some people need them for most of their lives. While usually legal, sometimes they can become illegal. Here are a few of the times when these medications could land you in trouble with the law: If...
What all Texans need to know about the Failure to Identify law
A few months ago, we discussed the importance of being careful not to unintentionally incriminate yourself during a traffic stop and about the constitutional right to remain silent. It’s important to remember that we don’t literally have a right to remain silent when...
Why did your teen drink underage?
If your teenager has been arrested for underage drinking, you are definitely not alone. Many teens use alcohol before they reach the legal age of 21. It’s one of the most common reasons for arrests at this age. That said, it’s also something that your teenager knew...
If you get pulled over, the officer may try to get you to incriminate yourself
Getting pulled over by the police can be stressful. You want the interaction to go smoothly, but you also don’t want to say the wrong thing. One thing to keep in mind is that police officers may try to get you to incriminate yourself during a traffic stop. They will...
What are plea deals?
The criminal justice system is overwhelmed, so it can take a considerable amount of time for a defendant to make it to a trial. Plea deals are one way defendants can resolve their cases without going through that lengthy wait. Plea deals aren’t suitable for every...
New Texas law raises the stakes for drunk driving
Being charged with a DWI or DUI is certainly one of a number of serious consequences people could face if they’re arrested for drunk driving. The effects of such charges on a person’s life shouldn’t be minimized. There could, however, be far worse consequences. If...
How does mistaken identity happen in a burglary case?
A burglary has happened in your neighborhood. The police have a suspect in custody –and it is you. In fact, someone claims they saw you do it. But you were out of town when the said burglary happened! How can you be the suspect? Being accused of a crime that you did...